custom paintings
Are you interested in an oil canvas painting or a watercolor piece on cotton paper?
Choose the size of your custom painting. It doesn’t have to be exact.
Collect all the photos and inspiration you can think of. You can decide on a color palette, composition, you name it. Maybe you want your painting to be similar to one of my other pieces.
Did you make a Pinterest board with ideas? – share it with me! The more insight, the better.
Or maybe you only have a rough idea in your mind, like: I want to give my parents a painting of the place where they first met. That’s ok too, I can help you with the rest!
Last but not least, is there a specific deadline for the artwork to be delivered?
Once you decide you’d like me to paint you a little something, we both sign a contract which contains all the terms and a time frame of the project.
Maximum time of a project completion is 12 weeks, we will agree on the specific time frame via email.
Commission prices are usually ~15% higher than the prices of originals in my store. Check the prices of my recent paintings for reference.
Here’s how the payment is usually split:
15% of the price – after receiving this deposit I prepare up to 3 sketches with options for the background and the foreground, based on your ideas. You may either choose one sketch to be completed, select features of multiple sketches to be combined into a new sketch, or request a modification of an existing feature.
35% of the price – once the sketch is completed to your satisfaction. After receiving the second payment I begin to work on the final artwork. I will provide at least two progress updates.
50% of the price + shipping – the remaining balance due once your painting is complete.
We can also choose a 2-payments plan to simplify the whole process (especially if we work without sketches, e.g. from your photo) — then it’s split to 50% and 50% + shipping.
Do you have any questions? Would you like a price estimate for your dream painting? Send me an email here!